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Water, energy and knowledge applied to sustainable irrigated agriculture for life.

At Golden Agro, our mission is to connect investors with investment opportunities in sustainable and profitable agricultural land, promoting economic, social and environmental development in the communities where we operate. We seek to create value for our investors, partners and employees, while contributing to global food security, the preservation of natural resources and the well-being of future generations.

What are we looking for


Accessibility to water


Soil quality

Variety of crops

Possibility of developing complementary value-added businesses

Proximity and access to relevant markets

Generating positive social and environmental impact


Accessibility to water

All lots will have water supply via a canal from the São Francisco River.



The municipality of Pilão Arcado – Bahia, is located in the semi-arid region of Brazil, and has low vegetation, adapted to dry periods, in addition to having wide biodiversity. Like all semi-arid regions on the planet, precipitation is very irregular in time and space, with November to April being the main rainy period in the semi-arid northeastern region of Brazil, especially in the São Francisco Valley.



The soil has sandy characteristics, which is suitable for early crops as it is easy to work, even in wet conditions. It has good drainage and a low density texture, it tends to dry very quickly and maintains humidity for a short time, which is why it requires constant irrigation.



São Francisco

Ricardo Larraín

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Julio Camargo Majfud

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Jailson Francisco da Silva

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Juliana Rolla

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Sebastián Correa

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Kayan Tamotsu

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Phillipe Cordeiro

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Diovano de Lima Favero

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Fabiano Rosa

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Klaus Soseman

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Braulio Alves

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Iuri Honório

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Fábio dos Anjos Rezende

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Luiz F. Bassani

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Our team

Variety of crops

Impacto Ambiental

Impacto Social



Saldanha São Francisco



Holding Companies


São Francisco

Saldanha São Francisco is a region of remarkable natural beauty nestled within the heart of the São Francisco Valley in Brazil. Renowned for its fertile soil, abundant water resources, and favorable climate, Saldanha São Francisco has emerged as a prime destination for agricultural investment. The region's strategic location along the São Francisco River provides access to ample water for irrigation, making it an ideal environment for a variety of crops. Additionally, Saldanha São Francisco boasts a rich cultural heritage and vibrant local communities, offering investors not only promising agricultural opportunities but also a unique cultural experience. With its combination of natural resources, favorable climate, and cultural richness, Saldanha São Francisco presents an attractive investment opportunity for those looking to participate in the thriving agricultural sector of Brazil.

mission +55-51-98342-9577 +55-51-98342-9577

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